Monday, March 10, 2008

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landry

What would you do if your uncle died and gave you a fortune? What if you stayed in his house alone? Then lets say some guy turned up at your house, tried to break in and kill you? Well let’s just say, Hypothetically of course, That a talking, walking, living skeleton busted down your door and saved you? Stephanie Edgley knows exactly how that feels. Now she’s been sucked into a land of magic and is struggling just to stay alive. What happens in this book? Is there a sequel? And just who is that talking skeleton? Read Skulduggery pleasant by Derek Landy to find out.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

by Stephanie Meyer

Have you ever done something that you would regret for the rest of your life, but that thing made you happier than you ever have been or ever will be?

When Bella Swann moves to the small Washington town of Forks, she is very unhappy. At least until she meets Edward Cullen, who is possibly the most attractive person in all of Washington, even though he has no friends. Except for his adopted brothers and sisters. When Bella first meets Edward, he seemed to be in pain when she sat next to him in biology. After Bella almost gets killed, Edward’s feelings for her change drastically. She knew that something was wrond with Edward, but he wouldn’t tell her. After she finds out his big secret, her life turns upside down and it will never be the same. If you like romance novels, be sure to read Twilight.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Something Upstairs by Avi

Have you ever lived in a haunted house? Have you ever met a ghost? Do you want to change what has already happened? Well, if your answer is yes, read the book Something Upstairs. This book is about a boy named Kenny Huldorf and a mysterious kid named Caleb. Kenny moved to a very old town and a really old house. When he gets to his room he finds a big red stain and ever since weird things have been happening to Kenny. Read this book to find out what's going on with Kenny's life.

The White Fox Chronicles by Gary Paulsen

The White Fox Chronicles is about Earth in 2057, and it is torn apart by war. Americans are being enslaved by the CCR, The Confederation of Consolidated Republics, and someone has to do something. The person to do something is Cody Pierce. Cody is captured by the CCR and has to escape. This is a book that will get you hooked and keep you that way until the very last page.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How to be Popular by Meg Cabot

Schooled by Gordon Korman

Cap Anderson has never been to school. He’s never eaten pizza and he’s never watched TV or seen a cell phone. Cap and his hippie grandmother live in a 1960s-style commune where he is home schooled. But everything is about to change. Suddenly Cap is sent to public school, where the kids are really mean to anyone they think is a nerd or a dweeb or a social reject. The first thing the kids do to Cap is to elect him 8th grade president. Of course, Cap doesn’t know what a class president does and he doesn’t know that they’ve done it as a joke. But Cap is a special person and in spite of everyone’s spitballs and practical jokes he becomes the best class president the school has ever seen. Read Schooled by Gordon Korman to find out how Cap lives in the “real world.” This is a funny book by the same author who wrote No More Dead Dogs and the Island trilogy.

Yellow Star by Jennifer Roy

Syvvia was a Jewish girl living in Poland during World War II. She was four when her family was forced into a ghetto and almost 10 years old when her family regained their freedom. All of her childhood memories are of that ghetto where they suffered from hunger, cruelty, and overwhelming fear of being sent to death camps. The Nazis murdered all the children in the ghetto, but Syvia survived because her father dug a grave for her to hide in in the cemetery. After the children were killed Syvia had to be in hiding from everyone. The book is very easy to read. It's told in verse form that is almost like poetry, but more like the thoughts and experiences of a young girl. Yellow Star is a fiction book, but it is based entirely on the author's aunt's experiences in the Lodz Ghetto during World War II. This book is recommended for readers of all ages.